Will Gaura Plants Grow in Clay Soil?
Plant species and soil type are two primary factors gardeners must consider when deciding which plant to grow. If you are considering growing Gaura, you should know that this plant …
Plant species and soil type are two primary factors gardeners must consider when deciding which plant to grow. If you are considering growing Gaura, you should know that this plant …
Agastache (Agastache foeniculum), also known as Hyssop or ‘hummingbird mint,’ is a perennial herb that produces clusters of nectar-filled flowers that hummingbirds adore. Though it is native to the deserts …
The Dianthus genus comes in more than 300 varieties, and one of its well-known variants is the Carnation flower (Dianthus caryophyllus) (source). Veteran and neophyte gardeners enjoy caring for the …
Mulching is essential for your plants. It regulates soil moisture content and soil temperatures and improves your plants’ health. But if you don’t care for your mulch, it will harden …
If you’ve ever applied fertilizer to your lawn only to see it turn brown and patchy, you may be wondering what went wrong. This common problem has baffled many gardeners, …
Mulching is a great way to make plants healthier and improve the soil. However, you can also make many mistakes while mulching, so it may end up doing more harm …
It’s difficult to improve the soil in an established lawn without tearing up the grass and starting over, which is expensive and time consuming. Most homeowners and lawn maintenance professionals …
People are taking an interest in where their food comes from and how it was grown- which is awesome- but it has led to a flood of misinformation about what …
Organic gardeners are all about rich, dark soil. Compost is the black gold of the gardening community. Everything seems to center around nutrient-dense organic matter. So, doesn’t that mean we …
Healthy soil is the foundation for vibrant plant growth, so it can be frustrating when the soil just doesn’t cooperate. Cracked soil prevents the roots from getting the proper ratio …